Wednesday, February 10, 2016

Data Storage

Problems with Older Storage Methods

Older storage methods such as punchcards, magnetic tape, floppy disks, and CDs have limited storage space and usability. Unfortunately, they are also bulky, difficult to store and carry, and easy to loose track of. These storage methods also require that their data be accessed though specific devices, often ones that are not always accessible, portable, or easy to use.

Advantages to Cloud Storage

Cloud storage is the modern storage option that takes up no physical space and will never run out. Even better, Cloud storage is impossible to lose! It's also accessible anywhere with internet, unlike older storage methods. The data stored in the Cloud is impossible to physically steal, but security concerns are very real. You have to have a lot of trust in in the Cloud storage provider you choose. Fortunately, there are a number of companies offering a wide variety of storage plans with variable free data, cost, usability options, and amount of storage.

My Backup Plan

To save space on my laptop, I manually back up my photos to a flash drive every few months. It's like a mini external hard drive. My family has an external hard drive for computers at home, but that's not as easy to use at school. I save school documents on the drive the school provides to students because that way I can access school work from any school computer, so i can get work done without my laptop. I also use iCloud to back up the information stored on my phone and laptop. I have some free Dropbox space that my information backed up to automatically, but when it filled up I didn't bother to buy any more since iCloud has a more user friendly system, plus it keeps all my data in one place. No more keeping up with multiple websites just to back up my schoolwork!

Standard YouTube license: Format A Brief History of Data Storage uploaded by anestis kelematis